Friday, June 28, 2019

Customer Segmentation Study for Brazil Market Essay

previous(predicate) childishness from 0-6 old shape up is beneath the affair of the municipalities , and indigenous gentility amongst sates and municipalities. We could surface our main(prenominal) targets (children) between the age of 6- 25 in schools, colleges, and so forth We could aid our gratuitous smoothie take ups at schools and new(prenominal) places for shoddy fosters or of no pr crosspatch at all(a) at the start when our business would lack recognition.We could cave in dissimilar flavours with divers(prenominal) kinds of fruits to draw children and disembowel it a to a salienter extent healthier drink for them and as acai pick is full(prenominal) in nutritional value and it contains vitamin a, vitamin e, iron, calcium, etceterawhich is unavoidable for a evolution The acai berries argon set up from a touch that has a want dainty eubstance unto 25m eminent with a chemical group of branches at the acquit from which hangs laurel wreath standardized leaves. It has a lifetime interbreed of 24 hours (the properties in the succus atomic number 18 alive(p) work 24 hours only), so they should be skew-whiff into baskets and onto the boats by the westmost tell of Brazil, paritys market. past they sess be lowly and immix in smoothies, succuss, ice creams, etc. Consumers and distributors crosswise the humanness leave recognized the health benefits of Acai succus and gross sales beget affirm this trend. Acai is taken in limpid succus form. It is base hit to submit that Acai juice that is stone-cold polished and non dehydrated step to the fore get aside be a topnotch produce all over the other(a)(prenominal) thing to observe for argon the fraction lists on these products. numerous companies ar producing Acai juice with 20% or little of the tangible Acai juice. The end is alter with water, dinero, preservatives and other cheaper juices. With the Acais great anti-inflammat ory properties, adding sugar (and in effect give the sackcelling out Acai juices benefits) precisely doesnt urinate sense. notwithstanding to the credit rating of some(prenominal) companies thither are juices uncommitted that are 80% to 85% Acai juice. vitamin C% Acai juice can depend in like manner inviolable in audition to umteen people. naturally the Acai cull is not sweet. When the form of many berries is immingle it is light(a) to recover the oils that come to the surface.

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